United We Stand…Divided We Fall
Nineteen years ago today, I was in Washington D.C. attending an Army conference in a hotel – 2,700 feet from the point of impact of American Airlines Flight 77. After the explosion, we all went outside to see a large black plume of smoke rising from the Pentagon. Our host had offices at ground zero…
Read MoreNEWS PROVIDED BY Boundless Media Inc. February 14, 2020, 18:43 GMT By Major General Craig Whelden, U.S. Army (retired) LOS ANGELES, CA, UNITED STATES, February 14, 2020 / — I was saddened – but not at all surprised – to learn of William Moreau’s recent lawsuit against the United States Olympic Committee (USOC) charging their…
Read MoreIt’s Not About the Nail….
Whether in the military, the corporate world, or in our day-to-day lives, effective communications have always been important. This is particularly true for leaders. Having a clear understanding of HOW your audience will best receive your message BEFORE you transmit is a skill that can be taught. We can communicate the same message to a…
Read MoreWho’s Got the Monkey?
The more senior you become, the broader the organizational span of control. Still, there’s still only 24 hours in a day. How do you keep everything organized and moving forward? In a word, delegate. An excellent article from the November-December 1999 issue of the Harvard Business Review is titled “Management Time: Who’s Got the Monkey?”…
Read MoreTaking the Road Less Travelled
And Forks in the Road I can’t tell you how many times – in both my personal and my professional life that I’ve reached a fork in the road and thought that I should turn right, but circumstance took me left. At the time, I thought “Why is this happening to me? How did this…
Read MoreWhere is Your “Last Rung on the Ladder?”
When I was a young Major at Command and General Staff College years ago, I attended – with hundreds of other aspiring warriors – the annual Spring visit and presentation by the Chief of Staff of the Army. After his pitch, a student asked, “Sir, what does it take to succeed in today’s Army?” After pondering a…
Read MorePushing Send Now… Oops!
In the era of instant communications: Email, Text, Podcast, Twitter, cable, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and perhaps dozens of others I’m not even aware of, an oft-made mistake is “pushing send” too early. We see this on Twitter almost daily – with both the famous and infamous. Occasionally, it is followed by “so-and-so removed their post”…
Read MoreA Great Interview Question…and Answer
Have you ever worked for a bi-polar, Jekyll and Hyde personality? One who sucks up to the boss but is abusive with subordinates? I have…. When interviewed by a panel for the job I currently have, I was asked “If you had 30 seconds in an elevator to convince the hiring official you are the…
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Major General Craig Whelden,
U.S. Army (Retired)
Served 30 years in the Army followed by another nine as a member of the Senior Executive Service for the Marine Corps.
He is a global Fortune 500 speaker and the author of a three-time award-winning, #1 international best-selling book, LEADERSHIP: The Art of Inspiring People to Be Their Best. He now resides in Bluffton, South Carolina.
It’s Not About the Nail….
Whether in the military, the corporate world, or in our day-to-day lives, effective communications have always been important. This is particularly true for leaders. Having a clear understanding of HOW your audience will best receive your message BEFORE you transmit is a skill that can be taught. We can communicate the same message to a…
Read MoreWho’s Got the Monkey?
The more senior you become, the broader the organizational span of control. Still, there’s still only 24 hours in a day. How do you keep everything organized and moving forward? In a word, delegate. An excellent article from the November-December 1999 issue of the Harvard Business Review is titled “Management Time: Who’s Got the Monkey?”…
Read MoreTaking the Road Less Travelled
And Forks in the Road I can’t tell you how many times – in both my personal and my professional life that I’ve reached a fork in the road and thought that I should turn right, but circumstance took me left. At the time, I thought “Why is this happening to me? How did this…
Read MoreWhere is Your “Last Rung on the Ladder?”
When I was a young Major at Command and General Staff College years ago, I attended – with hundreds of other aspiring warriors – the annual Spring visit and presentation by the Chief of Staff of the Army. After his pitch, a student asked, “Sir, what does it take to succeed in today’s Army?” After pondering a…
Read MorePushing Send Now… Oops!
In the era of instant communications: Email, Text, Podcast, Twitter, cable, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and perhaps dozens of others I’m not even aware of, an oft-made mistake is “pushing send” too early. We see this on Twitter almost daily – with both the famous and infamous. Occasionally, it is followed by “so-and-so removed their post”…
Read MoreA Great Interview Question…and Answer
Have you ever worked for a bi-polar, Jekyll and Hyde personality? One who sucks up to the boss but is abusive with subordinates? I have…. When interviewed by a panel for the job I currently have, I was asked “If you had 30 seconds in an elevator to convince the hiring official you are the…
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Major General Craig Whelden,
U.S. Army (Retired)
Served 30 years in the Army followed by another nine as a member of the Senior Executive Service for the Marine Corps.
He is a global Fortune 500 speaker and the author of a three-time award-winning, #1 international best-selling book, LEADERSHIP: The Art of Inspiring People to Be Their Best. He now resides in Bluffton, South Carolina.
2021 Eric Hoffer Book Award Finalists
The Eric Hoffer Book Award The Eric Hoffer Book Award was founded at the start of the 21st century (with permission from the Eric Hoffer Estate) to honor freethinking writers and independent books of exceptional merit. The commercial environment for today’s writers has all but crushed the circulation of ideas. Throughout the centuries, writers such…
Read MoreUnited We Stand…Divided We Fall
Nineteen years ago today, I was in Washington D.C. attending an Army conference in a hotel – 2,700 feet from the point of impact of American Airlines Flight 77. After the explosion, we all went outside to see a large black plume of smoke rising from the Pentagon. Our host had offices at ground zero…
Read More“Let’s Switch it Up…Do This Peacefully, Please!” Terrence Floyd (George Floyd’s brother)
NEWS PROVIDED BY Boundless Media Inc. June 02, 2020, 20:03 GMT By Major General Craig B Whelden, U.S. Army (retired) LOS ANGELES, CA, UNITED STATES, June 2, 2020 / — In the summer of 1963, I was about to enter sixth grade. My Air Force family had just moved from Albuquerque, New Mexico to Montgomery,…
Read MoreFeed Families… Support Restaurants… Save Jobs
NEWS PROVIDED BYBoundless Media Inc.April 01, 2020, 23:03 GMT BY Major General Craig B. Whelden, U.S. Army (Retired) LOS ANGELES, CA, UNITED STATES, April 1, 2020 / — Like many of you, I’m at home watching the deadly Coronavirus crisis unfold. But, I’m more fortunate than most. My wife and I are healthy and we…
Read MoreCoronavirus: Trump’s Ultimate Test?
NEWS PROVIDED BY Boundless Media Inc. March 12, 2020, 21:18 GMT By Major General Craig Whelden, U.S. Army (Retired) LOS ANGELES, CA, UNITED STATES, March 12, 2020 / — On September 11, 2001, I was the Deputy Commander of U.S. Army Pacific attending a conference at the Double Tree Hotel in Crystal City – just…
Read MoreNEWS PROVIDED BY Boundless Media Inc. February 14, 2020, 18:43 GMT By Major General Craig Whelden, U.S. Army (retired) LOS ANGELES, CA, UNITED STATES, February 14, 2020 / — I was saddened – but not at all surprised – to learn of William Moreau’s recent lawsuit against the United States Olympic Committee (USOC) charging their…
Read MoreMajor General Craig B. Whelden, Established Author, Examines Integrity Via the Houston Astros Cheating Scandal
NEWS PROVIDED BY Boundless Media Inc. January 16, 2020, 21:38 GMT “Integrity is doing the right thing, even when no one is watching.” – C.S. Lewis LOS ANGELES, CA, UNITED STATES, January 16, 2020 / — It’s January, yet baseball is making the news. What’s going on? A recently-discovered cheating scandal uncovered the Houston Astros…
Read MoreMajor General Craig B. Whelden, Established Author, Speaks on Our Toxic Politically Polarized Environment
NEWS PROVIDED BY Boundless Media Inc. December 06, 2019, 20:03 GMT Whelden is a motivational speaker on leadership and life lessons and is the author of, “LEADERSHIP: The Art of Inspiring People to Be Their Best” SANTA MONICA, CA, UNITED STATES, December 6, 2019 / — I recently retired from 40+ years of public service:…
Read MoreMajor General Craig B. Whelden, Established Author, Speaks on “Memento Mori” in the Modern World
NEWS PROVIDED BY Boundless Media Inc. November 08, 2019, 18:58 GMT Whelden is a motivational speaker on leadership and life lessons and is the author of, “LEADERSHIP: The Art of Inspiring People to Be Their Best” LOS ANGELES, CA, UNITED STATES, November 8, 2019 / — As the story goes, a Roman General was returning…
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Major General Craig Whelden,
U.S. Army (Retired)
Served 30 years in the Army followed by another nine as a member of the Senior Executive Service for the Marine Corps.
He is a global Fortune 500 speaker and the author of a three-time award-winning, #1 international best-selling book, LEADERSHIP: The Art of Inspiring People to Be Their Best. He now resides in Bluffton, South Carolina.